The LINI CAFFÈ brand was registered in 1979. The LINI family started its coffee roasting business with a small roaster, preparing the product it then sold in its shop; soon, however, the Lini brothers started marketing their products in supermarkets, food shops, bars and restaurants.
In the early Nineties the brand was launched on the European market, in Germany, Belgium and Great Britain in particular. The strengths of the LINI products are the craftsmanship and the weekly production cycle, which, along with an accurate selection of the raw materials and with skilful mixing, allow us to always offer fresh, high-quality products.

Sacchi di caffè Processi di lavorazione del caffèBuste di caffè

la torrefazione

Via Pietro Troili, 1
01038 Soriano nel Cimino (VT) Italy
Tel +39 0761 745778
Fax +39 0761 745778
IT 01204580565 see map

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